科研 项目 |
1. 新型低碳绿色水泥的制备及其水化机理和耐侯性能的基础研究(云南省科技厅重点项目);主持 2. 云南红土-石灰石-水泥基绿色低碳胶凝材料的研发与应用(云南省“兴滇英才”计划青年人才专项);主持 3. 白云石-煅烧黏土-水泥基胶凝材料的水化及高温力学性能的研究(云南省科技厅青年基金项目);主持 4. 污泥-水泥基二元胶凝材料的开发与应用(昆明理工大学交叉学科项目);主持 5. 反馈式水泥基复合材料3D打印平台(昆明理工大学自制设备项目);主持 6. 热场-微波场连用烧结装置(昆明理工大学自制设备项目);主持 7. 大宗固废规模化应用关键技术研发及工程示范(云南省科技厅重大专项);参与 8. 考虑气候变化和结构应力的低碳混凝土性能评估及最佳配合比设计方案(韩国国家研究基金项目);参与 9. 钢筋腐蚀模型及钢筋混凝土结构承载阻力劣化模型(韩国国家研究基金项目);参与 10. 水泥-高掺量粉煤灰-石灰石粉混凝土水化模型的建立及性能预测(韩国国家研究基金会项目);参与 |
学术论文 |
发表SCI论文50余篇,Google学术正面引用720余次,h指数17,其中代表性学术论文如下: 1. R.S. Lin, X.Y. Wang*, CO2 conversion and utilization as an admixture for calcined clay blended pastes, ACI Materials Journal. Doi: 10.14359/51738889. 2. R.S. Lin, Y. Han, X.Y. Wang*, Macro-meso-micro experimental studies of calcined clay limestone cement (LC3) paste subjected to elevated temperature, Cement and Concrete Composites. Doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.10387. 3. R.S. Lin, T. Kim, X.Y. Wang*, W. Du, Potential application of MoS2 nanoflowers as photocatalysts in self-cleaning cement: strength, hydration, and self-cleaning properties, Journal of Cleaner Production. Doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.129947. 4. R.S. Lin, S. Oh, W. Du, X.Y. Wang*, Strengthening the performance of limestone-calcined clay cement (LC3) using nano silica, Construction and Building Materials. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127723. 5. R.S. Lin, X.Y. Wang*, Y. Han, Effects of cement types and addition of quartz and limestone on the normal and carbonation curing of cement paste, Construction and Building Materials. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124799. |
发明专利 |
1. 补强型水泥稳定红砂岩基层材料及基层试件的制备方法(中国发明专利) 2. 一种碳化砖的制备方法及碳化砖(中国发明专利) 3. 补偿干缩性能的水泥稳定红砂岩基层材料及制备方法(中国发明专利) 4. 一种砂岩加速碳化及碳化水泥砖的制备方法(中国发明专利) 5. 一种红土-碳酸钙-水泥基复合材料及制备方法(中国发明专利) 6. 高温电炉-微波联合两步法制备赤泥基烧胀陶粒的工艺(中国发明专利) 7. Computer program for evaluating carbonation depth of high volume slag blended concrete(韩国发明专利) |
学术 会议 |
The 10th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE 2023); 邀请报告;2023.12.23 International Conference on Carbon Capture Science & Technology 2023 (CCST2023);组委会委员;分会主席;2023.07.21-2023.07.23 “CO2 capture and storage capacity of different type of cement mixed with non-reactive silica powder”; XXIX International Materials Research Congress;2021.08.18 “Thermodynamic Modelling: a tool to understand hydrated cements”; The third ROC&TOK seminar (Webinar); 2021.02.05 “Compressive Strength and Microstructures of Cement Pastes with Calcined Hwangtoh Clay”;国际可持续建筑环境会议(SBE19 SEOUL);2019.12.12 “Investigation of Hydration Process of Cement Pastes with Calcined Hwangtoh”;韩国建设循环资源学会秋季会议;2019.11.22 “Effect of Quartz Powder on Compressive Strength of Cement Paste”;韩国建设循环资源学会春季会议;2019.04.03 “Quartz Powder Replacements for Cement: Effect of Water to Binder Ratio on Hydration and Mechanical Properties”,1(3): 269;第12届亚洲建筑交流国际研讨会; 2018. 10. 23-26 |