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闫妍 博导

1999.9 – 2003.6 吉林师范大学数学系,数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士学位
2003.9 – 2005.6 昆明理工大学理学院数学系,应用数学专业,获理学硕士学位
2005.9 – 2008.6 昆明理工大学建筑工程学院工程力学系,工程力学专业,获工学博士学位
2011.8 –至今,昆明理工大学,建筑工程学院工程力学系,教授
2016.7– 2017.7,美国辛辛那提大学,航空与力学系,访问学者
2009.8 – 2011.7,昆明理工大学,建筑工程学院工程力学系,副教授
2008.7 – 2009.7,昆明理工大学,建筑工程学院工程力学系,助教
2006.9 – 2007.2,香港城市大学,建筑工程系,访问学生
2. 国际期刊《Applied mathematical modelling》、《Nonlinear Vibration and Control》、《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Meccanica》、《应用数学与力学》等的审稿人
8、香港Competitive Earmarked Research Grant,CERG 9041127,Theoretical studies on the multi-walled carbon nanotubes,multi-layered graphene sheets and carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites,2007/01-2009/12,已结题,参与。
9、香港城市大学CityU Strategic Research Grant,7001922、Nanomechanics of the Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes,2006/04-2008/03,已结题,参与。
1. 云南省优秀博士学位论文奖,2011年。
[1] Wen-Quan Wang, Yan Yan, Fang-Bao Tian, A simple and efficient implicit direct forcing immersed boundary model for simulations of complex flow, Applied Mathematical Modelling 43(1): 287–305, 2017. (SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[2] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Axisymmetric vibration of SWCNTs in water with arbitrary chirality based on nonlocal anisotropic shell model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(10-11): 3016–3023, 2015(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[3] Yan Yan, Weizhong Li, Wenquan Wang, The effect of wettability on the dynamical behaviors of single-walled carbon nanotube, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 138249.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[4] Wenquan Wang, Yin Rui, Dongwei Hao, Yan Yan, Modeling and Simulation of Fish-Like Swimming in a Straight-Line Swimming State Using Immersed Boundary Method, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 489683.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[5] Yan Yan, Weizhong Li, Wenquan Wang. The environmental effect on the dynamical behaviors of single-walled carbon nanotube in water, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 980154. (SCI收录)期刊论文
[6] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Free vibration of the fluid-filled single-walled carbon nanotube based on a double shell-potential flow model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(12): 6146-6153, 2012.(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[7] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Applied multiscale method to analysis of nonlinear vibration for double-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(5): 2279–2289, 2011.(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[8] Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Yan Yan, Yakun Guo, Finite Element Analysis of Turbulent Flows Using LES and Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Models in Complex Geometries,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2011, Article ID 712372.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[9] Yan Yan, Lixiang Zhang, Wenquan Wang,Xiaoqiao He, CMWang, Dynamical behaviors of fluid-filled multi-walled carbon nanotubes,International Journal of Modern Physics B,24(24): 4727-4739, 2010.(SCI收录)
[10] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang,Nonlocal effect on axially compressed buckling of triple-walled carbon nanotubes under temperature field, Applied Mathematical Modelling,34(11): 3422–3429, 2010.(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[11] Yan Yan, *Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Study on the nonlinear vibration of SWCNTs with initial axial stress based on the bifurcation theory of dynamical systems, Modern Physics Letter B, 24(18): 1979-1986, 2010. (SCI收录)期刊论文
[12] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang,Noncoaxial vibration of fluid-filled multi-walled carbon nanotubes,Applied Mathematical Modelling,34(1): 122–128, 2010.(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[13] Wenquan Wang, Yan Yan, Strongly coupling of partitioned fluid–solid interaction solvers using reduced-order models, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34(12): 3817-3830, 2010. (SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[14] Wang Wenquan, Zhang Lixiang, Yan Yan, Guo yakun, Turbulent flow simulation using LES with dynamical mixed one-equation subgrid models in complex geometries, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 63(5): 600–621, 2010. (SCI收录)期刊论文
[15] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Nonlinear vibration characteristic of fluid-filled double-walled carbon nanotubes, Modern Physics Letter B, 23(22): 2625-2636, 2009.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[16] Yan Yan, Xiaoqiao He, Lixiang Zhang, CM Wang, Dynamic behavior of Triple-walled Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 319(3-5): 1003–1018, 2009.(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅡ区论文)期刊论文
[17] Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang,Dynamical behaviors of fluid-conveyedmulti-walledcarbon nanotubes,Applied Mathematical Modelling,33(3):1430–1440, 2009.(SCI收录,中科院JCRⅠ区论文,TOP期刊)期刊论文
[18] Yan Yan, Lixiang Zhang, Wenquan Wang,Dynamical mode transitions ofsimply supported DWCNTs based on anelastic shell model, Journal of Applied Physics, 103: 113523, 2008. (SCI收录)期刊论文
[19] Yan Yan, Lixiang Zhang, Wenquan Wang,CM Wang, Dynamical properties of multi-walled carbon Yan Yan, Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Small scale effect on the free vibration of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Modern Physics Letter B, 22(28): 2769-2777, 2008.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[20] Wang Wenquan, Zhang Lixiang, Yan Yan, Numerical simulation of flow with large-amplitude oscillation of solid boundaries by penalty finite element formulations, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22(24): 4205-4216, 2008.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[21] Yan Yan, Xiaoqiao He, Lixiang Zhang, Q Wang, Flow-induced instability of double-walled carbon nanotubes based on an elastic shell model, Journal of Applied Physics, 102: 044307, 2007.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[22] Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Yan Yan, Yakun Guo, Study on turbulence features near an oscillating curved wall, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 19(3): 255-263, 2007.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[23] Wenquan Wang, Lixiang Zhang, Yan Yan, Yakun Guo, Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow considering inflow wakes in a Francis turbine blade passage, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 19(2): 201-209, 2007.(SCI收录)期刊论文
[1]王文全,闫妍,张立翔,曾云,李泽,杨锡阶,杨洋,郭涛.一种基于交错迭代耦合技术的薄壁结构动力学特性预测方法,2015.11,中国,ZL 2013 1 0117206.8.
[2]曾云,张立翔,徐天茂,武亮,王文全,闫妍,李泽,姚激.水轮机内部能量损失的动态监测方法,2011.12,中国,ZL 2009 1 0095006.0.
[3]曾云,张立翔,李泽,姚激,武亮,王文全,闫妍.一种电网低频振荡信号的模拟方法,2012.5,中国,ZL 2009 1 0094991.3.